Flower Seed

Size 1OZ

bbbseed 10692 Flower Seed, Wildflower, 1 oz

This mix of partial-shade tolerant annual, perennial, native and introduced wildflowers is selected to grow well in many geographical areas. Mix contains McKana's Columbine, Larkspur, Aspen Daisy, Shasta Daisy, Forget-Me-Not, Candytuft, Sweet William Pinks, Purple Coneflower, Mountain Garland, Baby Blue-eyes, Shirley Poppy, Johnny Jump-up, Coreopsis, Foxglove, Gloriosa Daisy, Bachelor Button, Bird's Eye Gilia, Black-eyed Susan, Five Spot, Firewheel, California Poppy, Wallflower, Firewheel And Indian Blanket Seeds.